Who is ACAPEL?
ACAPEL is an apolitical, non-denominational association founded in France in September 2001. In our mission, we bring together members and supporters from around the globe, including Lebanese, French and Belgian.
Today, our foundation sponsors over forty children in five schools in the regions of Beirut and Saïda, in Jounieh, Ajaltoun and Maad; sponsorship includes the development of educational programs and providing students access to arts and cultural opportunities.
Our Resources
Individual donations and sponsorship are the basis of the association's funds and resources. Donations are tax-deductible, in accordance with French law, up to 66% of the amount of the donation up to 20% of the income ceiling.
Acapel is authorized to receive wealth tax donations, which entitle the donor to a deduction of 75% of the amount, and also bequests, as Acapel is a member of the Fédération la Voix de l'Enfant. Please contact Acapel management if interested in making a donation: 06 07 60 66 50.
How we work
ACAPEL is an association run entirely on a voluntary basis.
The foundation organizes one or two on-site visits to Lebanon each year in order to meet the educational directors and managers, as well as the students and their families.
The Annual General Meeting meets once a year to discuss the activity report, financial report and provisional budgets and programs, which after deliberation are submitted for approval.
The General Assembly may convene in the event of a major event likely to seriously jeopardize the running of the programs.
The Board of Directors deliberates on all decisions relating to the operation of the administration and the implementation of programs and budgets adopted by the General Meeting.
Our publications
The association publishes an annual newsletter, "Les Notes d'Acapel", and you can follow its activities on our facebook page: association Acapel Liban.
Our budget
The association's annual budget is around 100,000 euros. This includes the budget for core programs and educational projects, both of which are supported in partnership with Acapel's sponsors.
Operating costs are covered entirely by earmarked donations from founding members
Our Members
The association has around forty members, all of whom are volunteers.
Membership provides direct, personalized access to current programs.